- Stimulation of the energy’s circulation throughout the body.
- Raise your hands along the bust.
- With the passage of the hands, open the throat.
- Continue at face level.
- Go to the back of the head.
- Slowly lower the hands to the floor
- Gently push on the feet to stretch the back of the body.
- Bend your knees to come up.
- Palms up gather energy.
- Exhale. Lower your hands to the level of the kidneys.
- Inhale. Use the leg push to accomplish a large circular motion.
- Stop at the top of the head, then in front of the face.
- Descend to the plexus, open and return to the ears.
- Stretch upwards, and gently lower your arms.
- Finish by placing your hands under the navel, on the lower tan tien. Feel the energy flowing freely throughout the body.