Energetic opening of the whole body



  • Stimulation of the energy’s circulation throughout the body.



  1. Raise your hands along the bust.
  2. With the passage of the hands, open the throat.
  3. Continue at face level.
  4. Go to the back of the head.
  5. Slowly lower the hands to the floor
  6. Gently push on the feet to stretch the back of the body.
  7. Bend your knees to come up.
  8. Palms up gather energy.
  9. Exhale. Lower your hands to the level of the kidneys.
  10. Inhale. Use the leg push to accomplish a large circular motion.
  11. Stop at the top of the head, then in front of the face.
  12.  Descend to the plexus, open and return to the ears.
  13.  Stretch upwards, and gently lower your arms.
  14. Finish by placing your hands under the navel, on the lower tan tien. Feel the energy flowing freely throughout the body.